Re: Does anyone notice that the search function is not working anymore since 1 November 2022?
Since Search was redesigned it hasn't worked. I can't believe that it was not even easy to find a thread about it in here - it clearly matters to a lot of us! I agree entirely with adrian1 that the s…1 · -
Re: How do I hide the sidebar/shared with bar?
Fully agree with this request, Brian Curtis's screenshot perfectly illustrates the point. It's quick and easy to look up who the area is shared to (not that there's a regular need to do so), so there…5 · -
New layout - how to hide the right-hand bar which takes up too much screenspace ?
I can't even find what this right-hand bar is called, but in the new layout it's taking up over a centimetre width of screenspace. The commands used to be in a fly-out menu, which was perfectly adequ…1 · -
Re: The new Smartsheet experience
My thoughts/disappointment concur with all the points made already - the changes are infuriating and Smartsheet has become a thief of time as a result!!! In addition, another big concern for me is th…2 ·